It turns out that no one is safe from the new anti-free speech rules in the UK. A report in the Mirror newspaper has found that thousands of British schoolchildren have been suspended over accusations of “racism” in the classroom. School officials are now claiming that hatred and bigotry are becoming normalized in the UK, and it’s all the fault of British parents.
In 2023 alone, the globalist leaders of the UK allowed 1.2 million foreigners from the Third World to invade their country. That sounds like a pittance compared to the numbers that Border Czar Kamala Harris has brought into the US. However, you have to remember that the UK is a tiny island nation of 66 million people. An invasion of 1.2 million foreigners is almost 2% of their population and this has been going on for years.
As British people are waking up to the fact that their leaders are replacing them with foreigners, the government has been increasingly cracking down on speech. If adults complain about the influx of invaders, they can now be thrown in prison in the UK.
If a child notices this or repeats their parents’ complaints in school, they get branded a “racist” and a suspension. In 2023, there were 11,619 British schoolchildren sent home for “racism.” That includes 1,413 elementary students. Seven of the kids who were suspended for “racism” were as young as four.
Naturally, this “racism” brand will go on the permanent school records of white British children, and will no doubt impact their future job prospects. It’s tragic to watch British children being treated this way because of the globalist agenda. It’s also scary to think that we’re just a few years away from being treated like this by our own government if Kamala Harris becomes the next president.