There is no area left in American life that is safe from the rampant inflation being caused by the reckless spending of the Biden-Harris regime. Even the Girl Scouts are on the verge of imposing a massive increase to their annual dues. Imagine what the cookies will cost when that increase hits next year!
Girl Scouts of the USA President Noorain Khan has admitted that the organization may not be able to stay financially afloat unless they raise annual dues from $25 to $85. Joe and Kamala like to brag that inflation is only at 2% for things, but that’s a 240% increase in Girl Scout dues.
Khan says that the Girl Scouts have been operating at a deficit for “the past few years.” We all know what that means. It’s code for “this problem only started after the 2020 election was stolen from Donald Trump.”
This could be a problem for the Girl Scouts since the organization’s rules state that it can only raise dues by 25% in a single triennium. That means they would only be allowed to increase dues by $6.25 by next year. Khan says that won’t be enough to cover operating costs. The Girl Scouts have already drained their financial reserves just to stay afloat since Joe and Kamala wrecked the economy.
The Girl Scouts closed out FY 2023 with a $4.4 million deficit. That’s expected to increase to $5.6 million by the end of this fiscal year. Local Girl Scouts troop leaders are worried that a massive dues increase won’t solve the problem. They note that families are more likely to not enroll their daughters at all since they won’t be able to afford the dues with all the other inflation going on.
Congratulations to Joe Biden and Kamala Harris! It looks like they’ve wrecked yet another American institution.