Other than Donald Trump’s thrashing of Kamala Harris on Election Day, one of the best things to happen on November 5th was the voters in California rejecting her legacy as a prosecutor. Before Harris ever ran for US Senator, she was the District Attorney of San Francisco and then California’s Attorney General. Harris is such a leftwing zealot that she was a “Soros prosecutor” before George Soros ever started financing the campaigns of soft-on-crime DAs. California voters passed Proposition 36 on Election Day, so crime is now somewhat illegal in the state once again.
Crime started to shoot through the roof in California back in 2014. Kamala Harris was the state’s Attorney General and George Gascon was the District Attorney for San Francisco. They pleaded with the voters and urged them to decriminalize crime. They called the justice system “retributive.” It was unfair to people of color that the police would arrest people for things like shoplifting and doing drugs.
Harris and Gascon also assured the public that existing laws against crime were racist. How else could anyone explain the fact that so many blacks and Hispanics were getting arrested for these crimes and not white people or Asians?
As a result of the gaslighting from Harris and Gascon, the voters passed Proposition 47 in 2014. The new law turned a host of felonies into misdemeanors. The state government put a renewed focus on ushering criminals back into polite society as quickly as possible. People who were dangerous felons behind bars found themselves getting released early. In many cases, they received apologies for being arrested in the first place. The state also “saved money” by building fewer prisons to house the growing criminal population.
This resulted in promotions for both Kamala Harris and George Gascon. Harris was elected to the US Senate and Gascon later became the District Attorney for Los Angeles.
The soft-on-crime approach that Harris and Gascon sold to the gullible voters in 2014 reached peak chaos during the Summer of George Floyd. Shoplifting was declared a misdemeanor and stores were forbidden to stop people from stealing as long as they had less than $950 in goods. A homeless person can walk into a grocery store and load their backpack up with food and beer—and the store won’t even call the police. Even if they did, the cops would never show up because they know they’d get in trouble if they bothered arresting a shoplifter.
This has obviously been devastating to the business climate in California. Entire retail chains of stores have left San Francisco because the shoplifting epidemic is so bad. Every former commercial business on Market Street in San Fran is now boarded up as if they’re waiting for a hurricane. Some stores have had to resort to locking every item up to prevent it from being stolen.
The voters had finally had it with Kamala Harris and George Gascon’s soft-on-crime approach. They passed Proposition 36 on November 5th by nearly 70%, so crime is once again illegal in the Golden State. Acts of theft are once again cumulative, so if a person keeps shoplifting day after day, they’ll eventually get prison time. Drug addicts will also receive incentives for entering treatment programs instead of simply releasing them back on the streets. It’s not a perfect solution, but it’s a major step in the right direction.
Kamala Harris’s legacy has now been fully repudiated by the voters of California. The voters in Los Angeles also booted George Gascon out of office by a margin of 61%. Those are definitely steps in the right direction!