As you know, the federal government and establishment media have been pushing us to make the swap to electric vehicles for a while now. But it’s become rather clear that some areas just aren’t interested.
If you live in a large metropolis, coastal regions, or somewhere rather swanky, seeing EVs of one form or another is probably not too uncommon anymore.
However, recent data from car dealerships are proving that for just about anyone else, EVs are simply not on anybody’s wish list.
Take the area of Northwest Ohio, around Toledo, for example. Here, just like everywhere else, commercials are seen on a consistent basis boasting the supposed benefits of going electric. Car dealerships, at least at first, were also eager to get in on the action.
But as a report by The Blade proves, mid-westerners just aren’t interested.
In 2023, for example, the entire northwest Ohio area sold a measly 1,136 EVs. And this is despite the rather massive tax credits the feds have promised to those who make the swap.
To put this in a little more perspective for you, EVs made up only seven-tenths of one single percent of all (428,433) car registrations made last year in the greater northwest Ohio area.
Naturally, one of the biggest reasons consumers in this area and many others aren’t convinced to switch is the concern of “range anxiety” or the fear that, given the lack of charging stations in most rural areas and the problems with them, an EV may leave their owner stranded in the middle of nowhere.
As local car dealership owner Richard Cronin says, the average EV has a range of about 250 miles in good conditions, which is usually enough to get them from one charging station to another.
However, it’s not enough to “prevent drivers from having to recharge on the road… or reduce anxiety that the EVs may run out of juice and leave drivers stranded.” This is only made worse when drivers consider the fact that EV batteries, like all types of batteries, don’t perform well in the cold, and Ohio can get cold.
And then there is the price, which is still much higher than the average American can afford, especially with Biden’s high inflation rates.
So, while EVs may indeed still be “the future,” it seems for wide swaths of the country, the future is still a long way off.