The Democrat Party was dealt another blow in court this week as it attempted to block Green Party candidate Jill Stein from the ballot in Nevada. The Democrats are “saving democracy” by fighting to stop voters from voting for their preferred candidates this year. A Nevada judge didn’t buy the Democrats’ argument that the Green Party failed to gather enough valid signatures, so now Jill Stein will be pulling votes away from Kamala Harris in yet another battleground state.
Stein didn’t run for president in 2020, which made it easier for the Democrats to steal that election from America’s rightful president. However, she ran in 2016 and the Democrat Party still blames her for Hillary Clinton’s loss in Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Wisconsin. Stein’s vote totals in those three states were more than President Trump’s margin of victory over Crooked Hillary.
The Green Party candidate has made it on the ballot in all three of those states this year, and now she’s made the ballot in Nevada as well. She’s also on the ballot in Arizona and Georgia and is gathering petitions to get on the ballot in Virginia.
This could spell doom for the Harris-Walz campaign. Jill Stein is expected to pick a Palestinian-American as her running mate so that voters will have a real alternative to the Democrats’ main ticket. Kamala Harris hates the Jews, but she doesn’t hate them nearly enough to appease the fringiest members of the Democrat Party’s base.
Joe Biden “won” Nevada in 2020 by about 34,000 votes. The Nevada Secretary of State lost a lawsuit to the RNC last week and was forced to purge 90,000 phantom voters from the rolls. Now Jill Stein is on the ballot in Nevada, and she’ll pull even more votes away from Kamala.
Trump is going to flip Nevada this November.