The New York Times editorial board rushed an op-ed to print after the person running Joe Biden’s Twitter/X account announced that he was endorsing Kamala Harris to replace him at the top of the Democrat ticket. The board savaged Kamala, declaring her to be unelectable. They must not have gotten their marching orders from the Democrat Party yet, since they didn’t realize that the elites are actually supporting Harris.
Following endorsements from the likes of Alex Soros and Nancy Pelosi, the Democrat Party looks like it’s “all in” on Kamala 2024. Which makes it that much funnier that the Times’ initial instinct was to throw her under the bus.
The media has now circled the wagons around Harris and is embarking upon one of the biggest image rehabilitation tours that we’ve ever seen. Kamala is simply wonderful, they assure us, and by golly, everyone has always liked her!
Before the Times’ editorial gets memory-holed, we thought we’d share a couple of key points from it. This is, after all, probably what most Democrats were really thinking before the elites told them what to think.
The board stated that it’s unfair to not at least give the delegates at the DNC convention in August a say in choosing the party’s nominee.
“There are other qualified Democrats who could take on Mr. Trump and win,” they shared. Which means they don’t think Kamala Harris can win.
“Picking a candidate without a real contest is how the party got into a position of anointing a standard-bearer that large majorities of Democrats and independents had profound concerns about,” the Times continued.
Which election do you think they’re referring to in that sentence? Was it the 2008 election when the DNC shoved Hillary Clinton aside and gave the nomination to Barack Obama? Was it the 2016 election when they shoved Bernie Sanders aside gave it to Hillary? Or was it the 2020 election when they shoved a bunch of candidates aside and gave the nomination to Joe Biden? The Times does not make this clear.
The editorial then notes that there is plenty of time left to let Democrat Party voters decide who their 2024 nominee should be before the convention in August. Whoa! Sounds like the Times is speaking out in favor of “democracy” for once. That’s not how the Democrat Party has ever operated in the 21st century. Their voters don’t get to pick the nominee. How tacky!
Yes, we realize that this is how the Republican Party used to operate as well. The elites used to pick the most repulsive nominees imaginable to the average conservative voter, and we were supposed to hold our noses and vote for them. That’s how we ended up with dorks like Mitt Romney and John McCain “winning” the nomination. But we digress.
The Great Kamala 2024 Rehab Project is now officially underway. The New York Times has fallen in line and is now featuring articles about how great Kamala Harris is and how they’ve always loved her. Plus, she is a major woman of accomplishment. And she’s black! Or Indian. Or something-something.
The first national poll after Joe Biden’s handlers dropped his corpse out of the race shows Trump walloping Harris by a 64-29 percent margin nationally. Even a poll that was much more friendly to Democrats shows Harris trailing by 9 points—almost double digits! Maybe the members of the New York Times editorial board should have followed their first instincts.