In a world where the left’s protests never seem to hit the snooze button, trans activists have upgraded from street theatrics to a more direct form of sabotage. Recently, Utah unveiled a snazzy new reporting form to enforce H.B. 257, the brainchild of Governor Spencer Cox, which aims to shield spaces like restrooms and locker rooms from unexpected guests of the opposite sex. But faster than you can say “bathroom break,” the trans activist brigade bombarded the system with a whopping 10,000 fake complaints, hoping to send the whole operation down the drain.
According to leading activist Erin Reed, the goal was simple: overload the system with so much junk that finding a legit complaint becomes harder than finding a vegan at a barbecue joint. When the auditor’s office receives thousands of responses, processing and identifying legitimate incidents becomes challenging.
Utah Auditor John Dougall remarked that while many of the complaints, including those that bizarrely listed his name, could be quickly dismissed, others seemed credible and required a more thorough examination. His team has been sorting through numerous well-crafted fictitious complaints.
Similar tactics have been employed by activists in other states, targeting laws that restrict discussions of explicit sexual content in educational settings.
In Missouri, a hotline was established for reporting harmful effects from gender transition procedures or questionable practices at transition clinics. This, too, had to be shut down after being overwhelmed with fake reports, complicating the reporting of genuine cases of abuse or violations of regulations.
Activists argue that Utah’s law and reporting form potentially encourage unwarranted scrutiny of individuals’ gender in public spaces, posing risks even to those who are not transgender.
The purpose of the reporting form is to ensure that government entities comply with enforcement rules that require clear designation of male and female spaces and single-occupancy spaces. This reporting will not negatively impact actual trans-identifying individuals. If a crime is reported, entities must report it to law enforcement, as per the compliance rules.
Schools are mandated to provide equal access to and quality of facilities, programs, and events for both sexes. Non-compliance, upon validated complaints, could potentially lead to fines. Importantly, the law does not result in the arrest or expulsion of a trans-identifying individual merely based on a filed complaint.
Critics of sex-segregated laws argue these encourage harassment not just of transgender adults but also cisgender individuals—those whose gender identity aligns with their birth-assigned sex—whether at work, shopping, or dining out. Even when these laws apply solely in school settings for student safety, opponents view them as discriminatory.
Kansas State Representative Susan Ruiz, a Democrat and lesbian, voices concerns about personal experiences of harassment due to her appearance, fearing the law could exacerbate such situations. However, without clear evidence from the mass protest complaints, it’s challenging to determine if transgender individuals are truly facing negative impacts.
Meanwhile, there are confirmed cases where men exploit these policies to harass women and girls in female-designated spaces. Groups like the ACLU of Utah argue that the law perpetuates discrimination and imposes unnecessary hurdles for transgender, non-binary, and gender non-conforming individuals. In contrast, it’s often everyday women and girls who suffer real consequences from policies that allow predators to misuse transgender access to bathrooms and changing rooms.
LGBT activists have convinced many that they are oppressed and targeted by common-sense laws designed to protect them from such threats. For instance, a fifth-grade girl identifying as “he/they” expressed dissatisfaction with single-occupancy restrooms, feeling isolated and preferring other accommodations not permitted by law. But such demands can compromise her safety, highlighting the dangers that both women and transgender individuals face under less restrictive policies.
The aggressive tactics used by activists to thwart the enforcement of laws they dislike challenge legal structures and place real individuals at risk. By attempting to shut down the ability to report legitimate legal breaches, they inadvertently support a narrative that these laws unjustly target transgender individuals rather than recognizing their role in safeguarding the vulnerable.
This undermines the legal efforts to protect women, girls, and all children from potentially harmful environments, leaving such protective measures difficult, if not impossible, to enforce.