Georgia DA Website Posts 13 Charges Against Trump – Then Deletes It

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If you haven’t heard, there are rumors that former President Donald Trump is about to be indicted for the fourth time this year. Further proof of that seemed to present itself on Monday when a Georgia court briefly posted a document to its website seemingly laying out potential charges against Trump.

I say briefly because the document was only on the website for a few minutes before it was abruptly deleted. But not before screenshots of it were taken and saved.

Now, as I said, rumors about this court, specifically one from Fulton County, Georgia, have been spreading like wildfire that Trump is about to have more charges leveled at him. Fulton County’s District Attorney Fani Willis has been investigating Trump for two years now. Allegedly, he’s done something heinously wrong in challenging the election results of 2020. And Willis wants to make him pay.

According to the momentarily posted document, that includes no less than 13 new charges against Trump.

The document, dated August 14, lists Fulton County Judge Rachelle Carnesale as having the case in her docket as “open.”

Charges include one “serious felony” and a dozen alleged not-so-serious felonies. One is for “Violation of the Georgia RICO (Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations) Act. Another is for “Solicitation of Violation of Oath by Public Officer.”

Conspiracy charges list “impersonating a public officer,” “forgery,” “making false statements,” and “filing false documents.”

Naturally, the court whose website the document was momentarily found on has not been willing to comment more than saying that Trump has not been charged. Of course, there is a “yet” implied there, as its clear potential charges are being discussed and listed on legal documents.

Additionally, sources say that Willis has asked judges in Fulton County to keep their schedules open for the duration of the month. In anticipation of an arrest or indictment, Sheriff Patrick Labat has already closed off streets around the courthouse and sent out deputies to all Trump arraignments this year.

However, even with another 13 charges added to Trump’s name, I doubt it will do much to derail his presidential campaign.