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Tatjana Baibakova / shutterstock.com

America’s Finest Contributions To Global Obesity: From Cheese-Soaked Burgers To Deep-Fried Pizza!

As Americans, we take pride in many things - from our storied history to our unparalleled economic prosperity. But let's be real, folks; what...
Pamela Brick / shutterstock.com

Target Discovers That Allowing Mass Shoplifting is Bad for Its Bottom Line

Target has finally reached the breaking point after allowing black shoplifters to have a four-year reprieve from consequences for their actions. Ever since the...
JHVEPhoto / shutterstock.com

Top Biden Donor, John Morgan, Sues Biden Aides After Debate

John Morgan of Morgan & Morgan, is a lawyer and a top donor for the Biden campaign. However, he has taken extreme offense over...
Bankrx / shutterstock.com

Washington D.C.’s Most Wanted Fugitives: Golfer Harassers, Skirtless Mopeds Riders, Pig Owners, and More

As partisans continue to debate various facets of our nation's broken criminal justice system, I'd argue that perhaps no aspect deserves greater scrutiny than...
Steve Sanchez Photos / shutterstock.com

Steve Bannon May Not Be Headed to Prison After Hail Mary Move from House...

MAGA champion Steve Bannon is supposed to report to federal prison on Monday, July 1, to begin serving his sentence for ignoring a subpoena...
Mana Photo / shutterstock.com

‘Pirates of the Caribbean’ Actor Killed by a Shark in Hawaii

A surfing legend and Hollywood actor who had legions of fans in Hawaii has met a tragic end. Tamayo Perry, known for roles in...
Berit Kessler / shutterstock.com

Finland is the Leader of the Pack: First to Give Bird Flu Vaccine to...

In an unprecedented move, Finland announced yesterday that they plan to begin offering pre-emptive bird flu vaccinations to certain high-risk individuals within days, becoming...
santoelia / shutterstock.com

America’s Top General In Africa Admits Jihadi Terror Squads Have Multiplied Like Rabid Rodents

The United States' top military leader overseeing Africa revealed exclusively recently in a Fox News Digital interview that the region faces unprecedented terrorist activity,...
Joaquin Corbalan P / shutterstock.com

Meet Noah: A Fentanyl-Addicted Child in Hellhole San Francisco

If you plucked someone out of the filthiest slum in Mumbai today and dropped them off on Market Street in San Francisco, they’d beg...
Debby Wong / shutterstock.com

Country Star Walker Hayes Sounds Off On The Dangers Of Artificial Intelligence In Music...

Popular country musician Walker Hayes expressed deep-seated worries over the rise of artificial intelligence within the entertainment sector during a recent interview with Fox...

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