Turns Out Tranny Swimmer Lia Thomas Is a Member of Leftist Terror Group

Jim Lambert / shutterstock.com
Jim Lambert / shutterstock.com

It was bad enough when failed men’s swimmer William Thomas suddenly decided to become a women’s swimmer. Done so he could set women’s records while still failing to qualify in the men’s division, he has been the poster child for what is wrong with women’s athletics these days.

Now he has set his sights on another part of the liberal agenda: Antifa.

Photographed in a shirt reading “Antifa Super Soldier” with leather bondage accessories, he held up his hand mockingly to make a ‘peace’ sign.

This image has been the Antifa goal over the last few years; the radicalization of transgender people across the globe to pick up the torch and fight on their behalf.

The liberal mainstream media and social media have made it nearly impossible to disagree or argue against their way of life unless you want to have your entire life exposed. The lengths this group will go to in order to destroy someone is horrific.

Thomas is now their golden goose. As long as he can keep getting in the pool as a woman, he will keep setting records. Antifa’s ability to use this to its advantage and to try and push violent and militant extremist views on Americans is sickening.

Mind you, they have avoided doing the heavy lifting on their own. Rather, Thomas’ partner Gwen Luxemberg shared the photo from their private account. This keeps Antifa off the radar of most people.

With only three years of Thomas’ eligibility being spent, he still has one more year to compete as a woman despite having undergone no surgery to transition into a ‘woman’ as of this point.

Seeing him as the latest member of Antifa is a scary concept because he can easily infiltrate more organizations and turn more good Americans against us.