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Ground Picture / shutterstock.com

Australian Woman Kills 3 Teens in Car Wreck, Was Under Investigation for Grooming

Alicia Jade Montebello, 31, originally from South Australia is one of four people suddenly killed near Bochara when a Toyota Corolla slammed into a...
Steve Sanchez Photos / shutterstock.com

AOC’s Parody Twitter Account Has Better Numbers Than She Does

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) is one of those people who loves staying in the spotlight, no matter what puts her there. As a result,...
Phil Pasquini / shutterstock.com

Wingnut Jane Fonda Claims Global Warming is Caused Exclusively by Men

Hollywood wingnut “Hanoi Jane” Fonda has gone on one of the craziest tirades about global warming that we’ve seen yet. Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY)...
otsphoto / shutterstock.com

How to Keep Your Dog Stimulated

We love our dogs, so it's important to keep them stimulated - even when we're not home. Of course, this is easier said than...
Ron Adar / shutterstock.com

Whoopi Admits Why She Could Never Hold Office

Wondering how much longer Whoopi Goldberg will remain relative and employed? If she keeps going at this rate, it won’t be long now. If you...
tommaso79 / shutterstock.com

After Being Tossed a Life Ring, Silicon Valley Bank Starts Axing Employees

In another example of banks being too big to fail, the Silicon Valley Bank (SVB) had its US operations purchased by First Citizens, and...
Pitiya Phinjongsakundit / shutterstock.com

How Biden Will Dramatically Increase Human Trafficking

As you know, Democratic President Joe Biden has reversed or rolled back quite a few of his predecessor’s policies and laws. And now he’s...
Jacob Lund / shutterstock.com

Is Coffee the Best Thing for Your Diet?

Coffee can have both positive and negative effects on health, depending on various factors such as the amount consumed and individual sensitivities. While coffee may...
Africa Studio / shutterstock.com

The Importance of Prostate Health

By now, you know that prostates can cause several health problems as you age. And while some, such as the urge to urinate, often...
Monkey Business Images / shutterstock.com

What You Need to Know About Protecting Your Retirement

We all know that retirement and what is needed to protect it isn’t what it used to be. For starters, we have inflation rates...

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